Xi Huang Wan/Anti-Cancer Pills
Both oral and skin administration are possible for bellow situations:
1.A deep infection of multiple adjacent hair follicles caused by a Staphylococcus aureus infection.
2.A carbuncle is a localized skin infection characterized by swelling and hardness without a change in skin color.
3.It is characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain, presenting as small nodules that may gradually enlarge and form conical protrusions. The center then softens, leading to the appearance of a small white pus plug.
4.Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes in the neck or armpits leads to the formation of hard lumps at the affected site. Once the lumps ulcerate, they discharge pus and are slow to heal.
5.A systemic infectious disease characterized by the presence of metastatic, multiple abscesses deep within the muscles. It is described as having abscesses that move unpredictably, with diffuse swelling that lacks redness and may connect to three or four different sites.