Home/Pharmaceutical Grade Dioctahedral smectite

Smektit Dioctahedral Gred Farmaseutikal

Serbuk dioctahedral ialah produk hebat yang syarikat kami pilih daripada bentonit berkualiti tinggi, dan mengguna pakai teknologi canggih untuk mengeluarkan, dan gunakan kraf canggih, memurnikannya setelah dimurnikan

【Character】 Ia adalah sejenis kelabu, putih, serbuk halus kuning muda atau merah kecil. Ia mempunyai bau tanah liat dan warna yang mendalam jika dilembapkan dengan air. Ia boleh dikatakan tidak larut dalam air, diluted hydraulic acid and alkali hydroxide.This clay, like all clays within our personal health care range, is non-ionized, free of preservatives, colourings and is from isolated quarries. Its naturally high mineral content means its properties are far superior to other clays that may be less pure.

Montmorilonit tanah liat, a type of Calcium Bentontine, has one of the the purest and highest concentration of Montmorillonite. Rich in trace elements and mineral salts. Montmorillonite clay has a naturally high alkalinity and strong negative ionic charge. These properties help draw out toxins from the body.
This great clay and its incredible properties, is ideal for skincare use. Suitable for normal to greasy skin types.
Can be used internally (drink small amount mixed with water) and externally, applied as a poultice, in lotions, compresses, membalut badan, face masks, clay baths. A versatile, earthy edible natural clay powder from Europe.

1.Meningkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti mukus gastrousus, menguatkan penghalang mukosa

  1. Membantu menjana semula sel epitelium saluran penghadaman
  2. Membetulkan penyingkiran berbilang faktor serangan
  3. .Mengimbangi flora normal dan meningkatkan fungsi imun saluran penghadaman