Home/What is montmorillonite used for?

Wofür wird Montmorillonit verwendet??

Montmorillonit ist in der Medizin weit verbreitet, Einspeisung, Tiermedizin, Zucht und andere Bereiche, vor allem in der Tierhaltung, Es ist der heißeste Punkt, um Durchfall zu stoppen, Schimmel und Bakterien entfernen, reinigende Wasserqualität, blutstillend und entzündungshemmend, resisting stress and so on. Montmorillonit ist ein Grün, natural and environment-friendly product without any toxic and side effects. It can treat diarrhea and protect gastrointestinal mucosa. The causes of diarrhea include bacterial diarrhea, viral diarrhea, parasitic diarrhea, non infectious diarrhea and so on.

Montmorillonite has a unique therapeutic effect on diarrhea caused by various reasons. Its mechanism is to strongly adsorb, fix and inhibit the pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, as well as the toxins and gases produced by them, so as to make them lose their pathogenicity, promote the regeneration of damaged gastrointestinal mucosal epithelium, restore the normal rhythm of intestinal peristalsis, maintain the transportation and absorption of intestinal tract, and improve the immune function of digestive tract. Montmorillonite powder produced by some pharmaceutical manufacturers or powder laxatives produced by veterinary drug manufacturers achieve the desired effect through the function of montmorillonite in treating diarrhea.

Adsorption and removal of mycotoxins montmorillonite is a natural layered silicate nano material. Each layer is only 1nm thick. The particles are small and the specific surface area is huge. Each cubic millimeter (half a rice particle) can hold 300 billion particles. Each gram of powder can cover the large and small digestive tract surface of a 110㎡ basketball court, which can strengthen the role of mucosal barrier; In addition to the uneven charge characteristics of montmorillonite, the basic layer is negatively charged and the interlayer is positively charged, which makes montmorillonite have strong electrostatic adsorption capacity, which can adsorb and inhibit a variety of viruses, bacteria and their toxins, balance the normal flora and improve the immune function of the digestive tract. Montmorillonite is also viscoplastic. It can slide and open between layers and extend in the digestive tract. There is no scattered separation between layers, so as to form a continuous protective film. Montmorillonite itself has strong adsorption capacity and strong mold and bacteria removal factor, which can effectively remove a variety of harmful mycotoxins in feed, remove the damage of toxins to animal body, and have strong adsorption, fixation and inhibition on mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, ochratoxin, zearalenone toxin, vomiting toxin and T2 toxin. Therefore, montmorillonite is widely used as a high-quality mold removal agent.

The function of coagulation and hemostasis montmorillonite can activate coagulation factors, form blood clots with montmorillonite as the core on the surface of digestive tract, and promote vasoconstriction. Slow down the local blood flow, which has a good effect of hemostasis and accelerating wound healing. It can be applied to the umbilical cord and wound when the pig is born, broken tail and castrated. It can also be used to stop bleeding when livestock and poultry are damaged. The role of anti stress stress is the dysfunction and defense response of animals stimulated by non-specific harmful factors (stressors) in vivo and in vitro. There are many kinds of common stress, such as cold, high temperature, noise, trauma, body movement, nervous tension, increased blood pressure and so on. Appropriate natural stress can improve animal productivity, feed conversion and extensive resistance. If stress is excessive, it will have serious adverse effects, such as low immunity of domestic animals, decline of production performance, secondary infection with other diseases, and even death.

Is montmorillonite clay safe to eat?

Montmorillonite can fix and adsorb viruses, bacteria and toxins in the digestive tract; It has the ability to cover the gastrointestinal mucosa and binds to mucus glycoproteins. Montmorillonite is very effective, but excessive use is easy to cause constipation. Children should pay special attention when taking it. After taking montmorillonite powder, it will not be absorbed by the human body, will not enter the blood circulation, will not affect the gastrointestinal peristalsis, and will not affect the digestion and absorption of food. Therefore, it is applicable to all kinds of people, including pregnant women, without any contraindications and absolutely safe.

Is montmorillonite clay the same as bentonite?
Montmorillonite is a natural mineral name and the main mineral component of bentonite. The name of montmorillonite comes from the name of the main component mineral when A.A. Damour and D. saluetat studied the clay near montmorillon, Frankreich, in 1847. It is a large group of minerals with complex chemical composition. The international clay association has identified smectite as its surname, the montmorillonite family. This family includes two subsets of octahedron and trihedron. At the 1972 meeting of the International Association for clay Research (aipea), “bentonitewas defined asrock with montmorillonite as the main component”.
The components contained in bentonite are usually dioctahedral sub minerals of montmorillonite group. In the mineral composition of bentonite, in addition to montmorillonite, it usually contains a small amount of feldspar, quartz and carbonate minerals. In the past, the definition of montmorillonite products in China was not unified, which often led to the ambiguity of montmorillonite products. With the in-depth study of montmorillonite, the industry has gradually got rid of the concept that the content of clay mineral montmorillonite exceeds 80%, that is, Montmorillonit. They used octahedral montmorillonite or hexahedral montmorillonite. The content of the product is also determined qualitatively and quantitatively by XRD. This concept is close to the definition of montmorillonite in the field of scientific research, which is an improvement.

Conclusion: Bentonite and montmorillonite can be said to be the same ore body, and they are complementary products. We can extract montmorillonite through bentonite. The extracted montmorillonite can be used in more high-end industries, such as toothpaste, medicine, chemical industry, rubber, petroleum and so on.